Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Top 20 Movies of 2007


Julian Miller said...

Can't wait for your review of There Will Be Blood.

Gabriel Mathews said...

Agreed with julian. Also, this surprises me. I had no idea Zodiac or Once were all that good (I'll have to see them now, I guess, my dad hated Once) and Ratatouille at 10? Haven't seen that one either but surely it wasn't better than some of the ones further down on the list.
but I guess it's all relative. Hahahahahahahahaha. And I guess you probably spent as long on that as I spent on my 20 albums, so...

Jordan Gutlerner said...

Was The Lives of Others this year? If so, I'd have to make that number one. It looks like I've got a lot of movie watching to do.

OreoGolem said...

As usual Loren I am left going "what the hell are all these movies"


My name is Loren and I'm currently a student residing in Portland, Oregon. When I'm not plopped comfortably in a theater seat or plowing through a hefty stack of DVDs from The Criterion Collection, I generally enjoy drinking iced coffees, reading Raymond Carver stories and napping. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to email me.